Shining a spotlight on our amazing art education leaders across the state and highlighting the many events NATA hosts throughout the year!
Teacher Spotlights
Nebraska art education shines a bit brighter with the teaching of Robin Klaus, K-12 art educator at Diller-Odell Public Schools.
Join us in recognizing and celebrating Robin and her wonderful impact on art education in her community and beyond! Diller Odell Public Schools
If you have a nominee for our Educator Spotlight series, feel free to submit one today! We would love to recognize the amazing art educators across the state. Nominees may or may not be NATA members.
Join us in celebrating our recent NATA Educator Spotlight - Hannah Blomstedt
Nebraska art education shines a bit brighter with the teaching of Hannah Blomstedt, 7-12 art educator at Crofton Community Schools. Join us in recognizing and celebrating Hannah and her wonderful impact on art education in her community and beyond! Check out the work of her students on this post as well as on her classroom Facebook page:
If you have a nominee for our Educator Spotlight series, feel free to submit one today! We would love to recognize the amazing art educators across the state. Nominees may or may not be NATA members.
Join us in celebrating our recent NATA Educator Spotlight - Megan Pitrat! Megan is a junior high special education teacher at Syracuse.
Megan’s nominators write.. “We nominate Megan in recognition of her exceptional contributions to art and special education and her unwavering commitment to using art as a transformative tool for the inclusion all students in learning at high levels of critical thinking through artistic practice."
Kimberley D'Adamo & Guy Trainin nominated Megan because.. "Megan's comprehensive approach to education—combining trauma-informed practices, innovative art-centered learning, and a commitment to professional growth—exemplifies the qualities of an outstanding educator and leader."
Keep up the amazing work, Megan!