About NATA
Mission Statement
The Nebraska Art Teachers Association (NATA) champions art education across Nebraska through creative growth and innovation. Tools and resources are equitably advanced for high-quality visual arts, design, and media arts education, supporting diverse populations and communities of practice.
Vision Statement
The Nebraska Art Teachers Association (NATA) harnesses the power of the visual arts, design, and media arts to both educate and enrich the lives of all Nebraska learners and communities, especially members of historically-marginalized groups, and serves to develop creative and culturally-competent community members, now and into the future.
NATA’s Value Statements
Sharing our story: Policy issues and stakeholders. The Nebraska Art Teachers Association (NATA) utilizes its many resources to share a message of the importance of visual arts, design, and media arts education for all Nebraskans. NATA partners with other associations and stakeholders to address policy issues that impact the visual arts and visual arts education.
Inclusivity: Fostering a welcoming community. NATA continuously works to build an environment of inclusivity and accessibility. We support a collective response in accepting and celebrating all people of diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Member Services
Interconnectivity: Together we can. NATA is an organization for and by its members. We share a mission and vision in supporting quality visual arts, design, and media arts education across the state of Nebraska.
Professional Learning
Creativity and Innovation: Teaching and learning at our core. NATA values creativity, innovative thinking, and problem solving. We are committed to providing experiences that support members in developing and facilitating learning environments that promote creative exploration, contributing to connections to self, others, and the world through visual arts, design, and media arts education.
Organizational Vibrancy
Members, Volunteers, and Leaders: Taking care of self and others impacts our practice and professional connections. NATA recognizes the importance of professional and personal nourishment of our members, volunteers, and leaders. We support visual arts, design, and media arts educators as they prioritize time, energy, and space to better serve their learning and professional communities including NATA. We also encourage restorative self-care and are committed to offering resources and opportunities to equip individuals in their achievement of educational best practices.