7-12 Grade

2D or 3D artwork

All entries will be entered uploaded digitally at artandwriting.org
Judging will still be based on ORIGINALITY, TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY, and EXPRESSION and separated into three grade level categories: 7 & 8, 9 & 10, and 11 & 12.  

Entry Fee
$10.00 ea individual submission
$30 ea portfolio submission
*If students qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch the fees will be waived*

ANY WORK copied from published photographs, the internet or existing works should not be submitted and will be disqualified. Please refer to the copyright and plagiarism guide for more detailed information 
Copyright: Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts, published by the College Art Association

How to Enter

1. Create your account

Both students and educators can create an account using our online registration system. This is where you’ll find your school and enter your work.

Create your account

2. Upload your best work

Don’t forget to seek feedback from educators, family, and friends and edit your work. 

Be sure to select the category that best represents your work.

view categories

3. Send in your Entry Form with your entry fee or a fee waiver

Entry fees are $10 per individual entry and $30 per portfolio. If the entry fee is a barrier to your participation in the Awards, we will waive the fee when you submit a Fee Waiver Form.

The Scholastic Awards open for entries in September and deadlines vary between December and January, depending on your region. Curious about your region’s deadline?

find your region

Visit our online galleries to see works from past National Medalists.