Annually Art Educators from across Nebraska submit work for a juried exhibit held in conjunction with the NATA Fall Conference.
NATA Art Educator Exhibit 2024
2024 NATA Artist Educator Juried Exhibition
General Show Information and Schedule of Events
Registration is now OPEN Online Only!
Registration will be open through July 26th (Deadline extended! Now August 2nd!)
Exhibition dates: September 12 - October 12
This exhibition is open to all current and retired art educators who live or work in Nebraska. Art Education students who are members of a NAEA student chapter are also eligible to submit work. NATA encourages all art educators who teach or have taught at K–12 public schools, private and home schools, faculty from Colleges and Universities, and educators from museums to participate in this juried exhibition.
The NATA Art Educators Exhibition will accept artwork in any medium or combination of media. All artwork must be completely original and created entirely by the artist. Only individual works of art may be entered, please no series of artwork.
No accepted entry may be withdrawn prior to the closing of the exhibition. Entry in this exhibition implies consent for use of reproduction of accepted pieces for publicity purposes.
Framing and Presentation
All entries requested for submission must be presented in suitable condition for exhibition and display. All wall-hung work must be framed and/or equipped with hanging devices. Please avoid saw-tooth hangers. Please use Plexiglass instead of glass. All three-dimensional artwork must be ready to install with adequate instructions provided if any assembly is required. 3-D work must not exceed 150 pounds. There will be limited availability of pedestals.
Reasonable care will be taken in handling works. Artists will need to provide the ArtBank with sale values for each work for sales purposes. The ArtBank cannot provide insurance for any exhibited artwork. It is suggested for each artist to check with their insurance agents to see if their artwork may be covered under a personal insurance coverage plan.
Image Quality
Please use the following guidelines for uploading images of work on the google form: 4” x 6” (400p x 600p) with a 100 dpi resolution and RGB color format.
Copyright/Fair use
No images that are not of artists’ origin will be accepted for Jury.
Sales will be encouraged for this exhibition and artists receive 100% of the sales from their work. Please enter the price of your piece or NFS (not for sale) in the space provided on the entry form
A preliminary jurying of all the artwork will be reviewed in jpeg format. All images should be submitted, following the registration image guidelines, via the google form. The final award selections will be based on the actual artwork in the exhibition. The juror is Chad Graff. Notification of inclusion in the exhibition will be sent via email by August 16th.
Entry Fee
A non-refundable handling fee of $22.00 for NATA members and $45.00 for non-members. This one fee includes submission of 1–3 entries per artist. PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN THE APPLICATION FORM
Dates of Exhibition and Awards:
Exhibition Opens: September 12th
Awards Ceremony: October 12th 3:30-4:00 PM (tentative)
First Place NATA membership and cash to equal $120
Second Place NATA membership and cash to equal $100
Third Place NATA membership equal to $85
NATA General Membership value: $85.00
NAEA Student and Retired Membership value: $45.00
NATA Artist Educator Exhibition Schedule of Events
May 28 -July 26
Online registration is open for the annual NATA Artist Educators Exhibition.
Submit Images:
All registered artwork is to be photographed and submitted to the application form HERE in jpeg format. The image sizes needs to be 4” x 6” (400p x 600p) with a 100 dpi resolution and RGB color format.
Submit Payment:
A non-refundable handling fee of $22.00 for NATA members and $45.00 for non-members. This one fee includes submission of 1–3 entries per artist. PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE THROUGH THE APPLICATION FORM.
July 27- August 15th
Juror, Rebel Mahieu, will review digital entries.
August 16th
Artists will be notified on or before August 16th by email of selection status for the exhibition.
August 30th
Selected artwork needs to be delivered to ArtBank in McCook, NE. Artwork can be delivered in person or via mail to the address below. Artist is responsible for postage.
108 W D Street
McCook, NE 69001
NATA Conference Reception October 12 3:00-4:00 (tentative)
Presentation of Awards 3:30 (tentative)
Artwork needs to be taken down immediately following the awards presentation, or arrangements need to be made to have your art mailed back to you ahead of time. You are responsible for return postage.
If you have any questions or concerns please email us at